We carry our world in our bags. . Isn't it? But how do you carry your back pack? Do you know the weight limit you should have to avoid stress on your back and shoulders? .. Have you felt the need to carry your back pack in a different alternative way so that it stresses you less?
If you are familiar to the above questions then yes you would have the interest to know more on how to Carry it correctly. . And advise the same to school going kids and travellers or trekkers..
It is said that the weight of the bag should be around 10 to 20 precent of the body weight for kids and 25 to 30 percent for fit adults. . In order to prevent low back pain. .and maintain a good posture.
Carrying the bag on the front for some duration off loads the back and relieves the stress on the back.
You can carry them as shown in the pictures above. It's a new style statement now ;)
In case you are carrying two back packs keep the heavier one on the front and lighter one on your back. . Obviously you can alternate after sometime.
The way you pack your bag is important as well. Just dumping your six won't solve the problem. .
Backpack weight distribution for trekkers-
By distributing weight in a specific way one can achieve better comfort and stability. Follow some simple ways to correctly pack your bag.
Internal back packs -
These have become popular frame type for packing bags. Items with the highest weight is centred between the shouldst blades and closer to your upper back.
External back packs are less commonly used. In this the heaviest items are kept on the top .. medium weight on the outward side of the bag and light weight at the bottom. .
By doing this, the weight is placed on the hips which should hold most of our backpacking pack’s weight. the trail, items should be placed a bit lower on the back, lowering center of gravity and stabilizing you better on rough terrain
Backpacking Tip:
For maximum stability, load your backpack so the heaviest equipment is next to your back and centered in the pack. Medium-weight gear should be carried toward the top and outside portion of the pack and lightweight gear, like your sleeping bag, should be packed in the bo
So guys start of the trend and share it with your friends!
Basically there are two types of Diabetes- Type 1 and Type 2
Type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas, which creates insulin, stops working.This type is rare.
Type 2 diabetes means your cells has begun to resist insulin and has stopped utilizing insulin created. This is more common.
Insulin is a hormone which lets sugar from your blood into the parts of your body which require it. When this vital hormone is missing or your cells cannot absorb insulin properly, sugar builds up in your blood, which causes you to get ill.
Type 1- People with Insulin Deficiency May Need Insulin Injections. Those patients requiring insulin can be divided into two categories:
1) Total Insulin Deficiency: The most severe form of insulin deficiency, seen in the classic patient with type-1 diabetes, requires daily insulin supplementation, otherwise the patient will become severely ill (ketoacidosis), and often die without this vital replacement.
2) Trim People with Partial Insulin Deficiency: Most people with blood sugars above 126 mg/dL, who are also trim (not overweight or underweight) fall into the category of partial insulin deficiency. Doctors often refer to this as type-1½ diabetes. These patients produce enough insulin to avoid life-threatening illness, but not enough to keep their blood sugars normal. With the elevated sugar levels they may also develop adverse effects, such as excessive thirst and urination, and too much weight loss. Insulin injections easily remedy these undesirable condition.
Type 2 - Treating Type-2 Diabetes in the Overweight Patient
The typical patient I see with a diagnosis of type-2 diabetes is overweight or obese and on a multitude of medications intended to lower their blood sugar. Yet their sugars remain elevated in the 200 mg/dL to 400 mg/dL range; even with their doctors' best efforts. No matter how often the blood sugar is checked daily, or the amount and kind of medication given, the blood sugars are never normal; they are usually way too high, and on occasion, dangerously low, causing confusion and coma. Obviously, even in the best professional hands, the treatments do not work.
The first step Dr McDougall takes is to stop all of their oral medications on the first visit. He does this because these medications have serious adverse effects and no real health benefits. (Yes, they do cause the numbers - sugar and HgBA1c - to look better.) The medications do nothing to fix the illness and they compound the patient's problems by raising the levels of insulin in his or her body -- One important effect of insulin is to facilitate the storage of dietary fat into fat cells. These lower the blood sugar level for time being and the body cells ( which usually in normal conditions absorb the sugar from blood) further stop working towards lowering the blood sugar levels, making the person more dependent on higher dosage of medicine as time passes.
By removal of the pills, medication induced "hyper-insulin-state," the body can now begin making overdue corrections; an important one being weight loss.
The second crucial step is to change to a low-fat, animal-food-free, starchbased diet. Starchy foods (rice, corn, potatoes, beans, etc. cause the body's own insulin to become more powerful; insulin sensitivity is increased. To further make the point about the benefits of carbohydrates on the function of insulin; even pure simple sugar improves insulin sensitivity. A classic experiment on people found an improvement in diabetic control as measured by fasting blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and glucose tolerance tests when diabetics were fed an extreme diet consisting of 85% of the calories as simple sugar (glucose and maltose). Animal proteins, like milk casein, and animal fats and vegetable oils reduce the sensitivity of insulin.
The third step is to start exercising which further lowers blood sugars and enhances the weight loss. With these changes a simple cure is possible for essentially everyone with type-2 diabetes
1. Goetz FC, French LR, Thomas W, Gingerich RL, Clements JP. Are specific serum insulin levels low in impaired glucose tolerance and type II diabetes: measurement with a radioimmunoassay blind to proinsulin, in the population of Wadena, Minnesota. Metabolism. 1995 Oct;44(10):1371-6.3)
2.Henry RR. Glucose control and insulin resistance in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Ann Intern Med. 1996 Jan 1;124(1 Pt 2):97-103.
3. Bradley U, Spence M, Courtney CH, McKinley MC, Ennis CN, McCance DR, McEneny J, Bell PM, Young IS, Hunter SJ. Low-fat versus low-carbohydrate weight reduction diets: effects on weight loss, insulinresistance, and cardiovascular risk: a randomized control trial. Diabetes. 2009 Dec;58(12):2741-8.
4. Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Turner-McGrievy G, Lanou AJ, Glass J. The effects of a low-fat, plant-based dietary intervention on body weight, metabolism, and insulin sensitivity. Am J Med. 2005 Sep;118(9):991-7.
Am talking about the joint clicking.. Which happens during some normal movements, exercising and also during the treatment by joint manipulation given by chiropractors and manual therapists.
Did it click you that what could be the cause.. is it normal or abnormal.. should we consult a doctor!?
Let me assure you first of all.. That if the joints are clicking without any pain then its normal and not anything abnormal.
The most common joints that click are the knuckles, knees, ankles, joints of the spine ( your back and neck when you twist it). The causes are -
1. A healthy joint is comprised of bone surrounded by smooth cartilage, which is protected by a capsule lined with synovial membranes that produces fluid. This fluid contains oxygen,nitrogen and carbon dioxide gasses. When joints crack, it is the result of the joint capsule being rapidly stretched, which causes the formation and release of gas bubbles. The release of gas can cause the popping sound you feel and sometimes hear.
If this is the cause of the sound, then once the sound is produced by a certain movement, the sound wont be reproduced for repeated movements for few hours (till those gases diffuse again into the fluid)
2. Sometimes healthy joints produce a popping or snapping sound (quite similar to clicking) which could be because of the rubbing of tendons (of usually tight muscles crossing the joint being moved)
If this is the cause of the sound then the sound will be reproduced with repeated movements. And this can be reduced by doing proper stretching of all your muscles before starting with any activity.
3. Unhealthy joints have rough surface which rub together to produce sounds and they are accompanied with pain or other symptoms like joint swelling and redness or tenderness (pain on touching the joint.)
There are people we know who gladly crack and click their joints as a habit. Many researches have been done if knuckle cracking causes any harm to the joints and it has been concluded that there have been no difference in people who crack their joints for years and people who dont.
Medical doctor Donald Unger cracked the knuckles of his left hand every day for more than sixty years, but he did not crack the knuckles of his right hand. No arthritis or other ailments formed in either hand, earning him the 2009 Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine, a parody of the actual award.
(If you are still in doubt about the clicks and cracks coming from your joints it is advisable to seek medical advice.)
References -
Deweber K, Olszewski M, Ortolano R. (2011). "Knuckle cracking and hand osteoarthritis". J Am Board Fam Med24
Brodeur R. (1995). "The audible release associated with joint manipulation.". J Manipulative Phys Ther
Simkin, Peter (November 1990). "Habitual knuckle cracking and hand function.". Annals of Rheumatic Disease49
How many of us do self treatment of the health problems we get at some or the other point in life... We all do right?.. with no time to spend waiting for an appointment with the health providr..better treat our problems ourselves. Fever+sore throat --- its Viral! take antibiotics! Headache? pop in a pain killer! We treat ourselves so confidently!! so surprising.. isnt it? how do we get this confidence..? through past experiences.. through health information given on tv advertisements, and father of all - 'Google' ;) etc.. But don't you think its better to take an advise from a health professional..?
Managing an acute health problem is way different from managing a chronic health problem. We do go for a short visit to the health care provider for an acute problem treatment. But how will we know if the treatment we are going to get from him is the best option for us at that point of time, will the health care provider inform us about the other possible option for the same problem.? For chronic health problem it would get so taxing to get treatment everyday.. Here I would like to ask you about something called as 'Health Literacy'.. What does it mean to be health literate.. How to become health literate..?
Health literacy can be defined as the ability of the patient to seek, understand, and use health information. As the requirement for self management in health care is increasingly emphasised, especially in the management of chronic conditions, patients are required to assume greater responsibility in :
handling diverse information resources such as educational materials, prescriptions and medical forms
navigating different healthcare settings
communicating with a range of health professionals who will have different experiences and approaches in how they deliver therapeutic instructions or advice
making informed decisions about their health care including adhering to prescribed therapeutic regimens and implementing lifestyle changes to optimise health.
Low health literacy has been linked to poor health behaviours and outcomes, independent of other socio-demographic factors. It is therefore recognised as an important public health issue internationally. It has been researched in various populations that low health literacy has been associated with -
less utilisation of preventive healthcare services
increased rate of hospitalisation
poor adherence to prescribed medications or therapy
poorer chronic condition self-management skills
reduced health related knowledge
poor communication between healthcare professionals and patients
lower self reported health status
Increased healthcare cost
This indicates that health information is a critical factor in shaping individual health behaviours and outcomes. But how do patients get the literacy about health? Its from the health care providers mainly. Also printed health information materials and multi-media are used to make people health literate. Health care professionals play an important role in ensuring effective delivery and uptake of information. It is the duty of the health professional and the right of the patient to know about the health problem and the various options available for the treatment of the same. The health professional should make sure that the information he is giving is in a comprehensible language and simple to understand with no medical terms. Other than language and medical terms used while imparting health information, barriers for patients utilising health information and being adequately health literate were -
competing lifestyle commitments ( ignoring appointments with health care provider once health problem becomes less disturbing)
socioeconomic circumstances
and prescribed treatment not being consistent with their beliefs or attitudes.
Thus these are important considerations for physiotherapist and other health care providers in clinical practise, who anticipate that patients will both understand and utilise the health information optimally.
This was about making the patient health literate.. But how literate are the clinicians? Recent surveys on management of low back pain, have shown that many clinicians still advice activity avoidance, discordant with the current evidence-based guidelines. There is evidence that practitioners beliefs about low back pain influences the patients beliefs to a great extent. It is therefore important that health professionals stay up to date with the recent evidences and approaches to the management of health problems, so that they can provide better health information to the patients. And after providing the information a communication method called as 'teach-back' be used, which has been shown to be highly effective in knowing how much the patint has understood what the clinician or healthcare provider has informed. This involves, the health professional, after initially providing verbal information, asking the patient to reiterate the information in their own words.
Reference - J. or Physiotherapy 2010 Vol 56. Briggs et al
These are joints located at the 2 dimples of the lower back. The pain often feels deep within your lower back and can occur on one or both sides of your back. In some cases, pain radiates down to the buttock and the back of the thigh.
While pain may begin at any time during pregnancy, PPP on average begins in the 18th week of pregnancy and becomes more intense as the pregnancy progresses. The pain usually spontaneously resolves within 3 months post delivery. But in some cases it can become chronic and disabling.
What are the Sacroiliac joints?
The sacroiliac joints (SIJ) are formed between the sacrum, a triangular-shaped bone in the lower portion of the spine, and the right and left ilium of the pelvis. The SIJ is a strong and stable weight-bearing joint that permits very little movement due to its natural structure. The main role of the SIJ is to allow forces to be transmitted effectively through the body, absorbing impact from the legs to the spine during activities such as walking, running and jumping.
The SIJ is kept stable through two mechanisms:
Firstly, the rough, groove-like connecting surfaces of the sacrum and ilium interlock and help stabilise the joint, like two pieces of Lego together.
Secondly, the SIJ is further strengthened by a complex mesh of ligaments and muscles such as the core stabilizers. These core muscles, such as the transversus abdominis and multifidus which surround the SIJ, act as active stabilizers by actively contracting to create a compressive force over the SIJ, gripping the joint firmly together. They act as a natural corset by providing that compression around the lower back and pelvic region -much like wrapping your fingers around the two Lego pieces, keeping them firm and tight.
Posterior pelvic pain arises from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, in other words, when the stability of SIJ is compromised.
Why does it happen?
During pregnancy, mechanisms stabilising the SIJ is affected. This instability allows for increased motion, stressing the SIJ.
Hormones released during pregnancy relax the ligaments of the body to allow the pelvis to enlarge, in preparation for childbirth
Due to the growing uterus, some of the core muscles around the pelvis get ‘stretched’ and weakened.
Moreover, the additional weight and altered walking pattern associated with pregnancy can cause significant mechanical strain on the sacroiliac joints, which may result in SIJ inflammation, giving a deep ache in the posterior pelvis.
What are the symptoms?
Of all the back pains experienced during pregnancy, posterior pelvic pain is the most common – you are four times more likely to experience PPP than lumbar pain.
You may have posterior pelvic pain / sacroiliac joint dysfunction if you have:
Deep, boring pain in the back of the pelvis (around the sacroiliac joints)
Pain may occasionally radiate to the groin and thighs.
The pain is typically worse with standing, walking, climbing stairs, resting on one leg, getting in and out of a low chair, rolling over and twisting in bed, and lifting. The pain improved when lying down.
If there is inflammation and arthritis in the SI joint, you may experience stiffness and a burning sensation in the pelvis.
Diagnosing Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction in pregnancy
Your doctor and/or physiotherapist will conduct a thorough history and physical examination to determine the underlying disorders for your pain. That includes your description of symptoms, a series of tests designed to look at the stability, movement, and pain in the sacroiliac joints and surrounding structures. Imaging, such as computed tomography (CT) scan and X-ray may also help in the diagnosis. Another reliable diagnostic method involves injecting an anesthetic agent into the SI joint, guided by an X-ray machine, numbing the irritated area, thereby identifying the pain source. However, due to the concerns of fetal exposure to radiation, diagnostic procedures involving radiation is generally avoided.
Treatment and Management
The first-line treatment of pregnancy-related sacroiliac joint dysfunction is physiotherapy and exercises that focuses on core stability of the trunk and pelvic girdle. Sometimes, a sacro-iliac belt is prescribed to complement the core stability exercises and to give quick pain relief. Exercises will form a large part of the treatment and in some cases, mobilisation (a gentler form of manipulation) of your hip, back or pelvis may be used to correct any underlying movement dysfunction. Other manual techniques include muscle energy technique (MET) and myofascial release. It is vital to engage a physiotherapist who is skilled in treating pregnancy-related pain as she is aware of the studies that support the use of specific stabilizing exercises and other treatment techniques, thereby preventing the dysfunction from escalating into a chronic condition. Other alternative treatments include anesthetic and steroidal injections into the SIJ that can help in pain relief, which lasts from one day or much more long-term. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are often effective in pain relief as well. However, these two treatments may be contra-indicated during pregnancy.
Posterior Pelvic Pain Home Advice
Here are some tips for expectant women with posterior pelvic pain..
Lying down
Avoid lying on your back for long periods of time, particularly after the 19th week of your pregnancy.
Try lying on your side (preferably your left) with a pillow placed between your knees and another under your tummy.
If your waist sags down into the bed, try placing a small rolled up towel under your waist.
Turning over in bed
To turn to your right while lying on your back, arch your lower back, tighten your pelvic floor muscles and lower abdominal muscles and bend both knees one by one.
Turn your head to the right and take your left arm over to the right of your body. Hold onto the side of your bed if you can.
To turn, pull with your left hand and take both knees over to the right so that you roll to the right. As soon as possible, bend your knees up as high as they will go – this helps to lock out your pelvis and lessen pain.
Reverse this to turn to the left.
Getting out of bed
Roll onto your side with your knees bent up, move your feet over the edge of the bed and push yourself up sideways with your arms.
Reverse the process when you lie down.
Standing from a sitting position.
Sit on the edge of the chair.
Keeping your knees apart slightly and lean forwards till your head is directly over your knees, keeping your back straight.
Stand up by pushing up with your arms, with your back straight and tummy tucked in. This helps to hold your pelvic joints in their most stable position and may reduce your pain significantly.
People adopt various ways to stay fit. They go to a gym or yoga classes, aerobics classes..There are other interesting forms of exercises like Pilates, Tai chi.. or just their usual walking or jogging, cycling. As we all know the exercises.. let them be of how many ever types.. they can be subdivided into two main groups:-
Aerobic Exercises- This would include all the exercises that are of low intensity and long duration and would include majority of the above mentioned exercises like aerobics, pilates, yoga, Taichi, walking jogging cycling, swimming. These exercises improves the Cardio-Vascular system as well as the respiratory conditioning. Meaning- They would help in fat loss, intake of oxygen in the body is increased, making the heart and lung function better.
Anaerobic Execises- These are the exercises of high intensity but of very short duration. Exercises like Push ups, sit ups, and other exercises done in the Gym with weights and resistance. And to a certain extent exercises done in Pilates, yoga also have an anaerobic content too.
Most of us prefer doing the Aerobic exercises, as they are convenient. But just doing that component isnt enough! These exercises maintain the muscle performance upto some levels. But to improve the muscle performance in today's world demanding more output from the body at the workplace and day-to-day activities, one should perform specific muscle strengthening and endurance exercises as well.
Body parts that demand for power- The arms, and the legs demand more strength/power. We need to strengthen the major muscles of the arms and forearms, and the thighs and legs. These are not sufficiently strengthened by aerobic exercises and by just doing few anaerobic exercises. Each muscle needs to be addressed properly, and there are specific movements to strengthen different muscles.
Please note- to avoid any kind of joint pain and injury. there needs to be a balance in the muscles on the opposite sides of a body part. for example- Thigh- the muscles we strengthen are in the front of the thigh (Quadriceps), the muscles that is on the back of the thigh need to be strengthened as well (Hamstrings). And if any of these muscles are tight, like if hamstrings are tight, the quadriceps get weakened again n again, until the tight hamstrings arent stretched. This is called as the Muscles balance. Same way the muscles on the inner side of the thighs (Adductors) are usually tight, making the muscles on the outer side of the thigh weak (abductors) and thats a usual cause for knee pain or ankle pain. I can go on n on for each body part but I hope the point is understood.
Body parts that demand endurance- This includes the back, the abdomen, the neck. These body parts are the base for allowing symmetrically perfect movements of the limbs. If this base is weak in endurance the limbs are unable to move symmetrically ( such minimal detectable change that wont be visible but can harm the joints on repetitive movements). Thus exercises that improve the endurance ( maintaining a low level of muscle activation for a prolonged period of time) need to be performed to make the base ( also called as core) strong. The postures we work in like standing, sitting, bent forward to reach the table, kitchen platform.. all these require that the endurance of the back, neck and abdomen are maintained.
Do leave in ur feed backs, suggestions and queries! I would be happy to receive n respond.